We are about to see
a really cool thing happen at the beginning of Luke Chapter 19 Get ready to observe a mustard seed of faith sprout into a root before taking its shape. Zacchaeus was his name, and his soul contained the Faith Mustard Seed. He probably didn’t know that it was even there, until he heard the word that Jesus was coming near. He was the Chief Tax Collector of the region of Jericho; and this notorious rich man found the eye of the needle! This is the perfect representation of the camel who goes through the eye of the needle, that Jesus spoke about in Luke Chapter 18 verse 25. It may have been curiosity that opened up his mind, or it may have been loneliness that opened his heart. Regardless of the reason, His desire to see made Zacchaeus draw in closer to the coming of the Lord. He made it his mission to get a good look at Jesus, so he found an elevated position that would overcome his physical disposition. His small stature did not leave him much hope, he was way too short to see over the crowd. So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree. It was his heart’s desire to be able to see. Potential faith is what this man had, all beneath a soiled facade. The surprising thing is that when Jesus came by, He looked up and called Zacchaeus by name. “Zacchaeus!” he said. “Quick, come down! I must be a guest in your home today.” Zacchaeus quickly climbed down and took Jesus to his house in great excitement and joy, his potential was found. But the people who saw this were highly displeased. “He has gone to be the guest of a notorious sinner,” they grumbled ferociously. Meanwhile, Zacchaeus stood before the Lord and said, “I will give half my wealth to the poor, and if I have cheated people on their taxes, then I will give them back four times more!” Jesus responded, “Salvation has come to this home today, for this man has shown himself to be a true son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” Luke 19:1-10 Isn’t this story of Zacchaeus and Jesus, the most beautiful thing you have ever heard? Here we see, the Faith Mustard Seed sprouting into a Man of Humility, and my guess is he stopped collected taxes, but instead became a servant to the Lord joyfully collecting souls for God. The announcement of Jesus brought crowds to the road, but this was not enough to keep this sinner away. Although there was doubt, Zacchaeus moved forward in hope. His wonderment drove him into position to get the perfect look out! He was strategic in placing himself by acknowledging his disposition and running ahead. Then he must have waited for Jesus to come, patiently enduring without losing his hope. And when their paths crossed, the most interesting thing happened, Jesus knew his name without even having an introduction. Can you imagine? The Lord knowing you without ever having to be formally introduced? Isn’t God good? It seems that just the act of drawing in close, is actually the process that draws Jesus closer to us! And not only did Jesus know Zacchaeus by name, but He said He must be a guest in his house today! I suppose the house symbolizes our own human hearts, and Jesus represents the Holy Spirit living inside of us. That has to be why Zacchaeus had a heart change, immediately when Jesus called him by name. All that he had done, came straight to his mind; He was totally convicted of the damage he had caused, and his desire was to repent and pay it all back, but not just what he took, he wanted to pay back more. Repentance is the reaction for anyone who has been accepted by Him; and Restoration is the response of a Spirit-filled heart. The story ends when Jesus says, “Salvation has come to this home today, for this man has shown himself to be a true son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save those who are lost.” Luke 19:9-10 As I sit here soaking up this story, I am completely entranced by its beauty! Every Parable is an edible delight into the heart of Jesus. The Faith Mustard Seed can be found in those who doubt, and the Faith Mustard Seed can be found in those who sell out. A chief tax collector had to be the worst kind of man, he taxed the poor to put money in the pockets of rich men. He served the government of a worldly kingdom that taxed to death the citizen's that lived in them. Yet we see beneath his occupation that his heart is truly good. He did not let the flesh keep him away, rather he focused on his faith and believed that Jesus was coming. He prepared a position that would allow him to see, the miracle worker that was heading to Jerusalem.
The other day
I told my Christian friends that the world was cursed instead of blessed, and they looked at me like I had three heads. I suppose I would react like them if the Lord wasn’t pressing on me to declare 1. Repentance and 2. Judgment is Coming So many people think they are blessed when the truth is they are really cursed. How can you possibly understand God’s mercy if you have no idea about Bible Prophecy, or the Seed of Adam. Everyone who screams “I am blessed, look at me” is really a foreigner to me. What a prideful thing to believe. That you are so blessed, and God only stands for you. How can you scream "I am so blessed," when the world is dying around you. Where is your humility? If you think God’s Word will stand on selfish pride, then you have another thing coming. There is nothing in God’s Word, that says that selfish pride is good. Yes, you can raise his banner high, and you can declare victory in the name of Christ. You can say just about anything you want, but God know the intent of your heart. If you don’t know his Holiness, If you don’t hold Him In reverence, if you don’t understand His mercy, then how can you truly say that you have a personal relationship with Him? Your claim to grace will not hold up in court, if you have not laid down your life for Him. Let me speak the truth in love - Everyone can come to the table! Everyone can eat the bread of life and everyone can wash it down with His wine, but if you come as a guest filled with prideful intent, then none of his substance will stick to your bones, and His body will go right through you. “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account" Matthew 5:2-11 Deceit is accelerating in the streets, while humanity is decaying on the sidewalks. Lust and greed and power and control are running rampantly in the global world, and people are dying, by the thousands, without even knowing God’s Word. Believe me, I wish I had something else to say, like living the blessing instead of enduring the curse. But the world is spinning the opposite way, and people are consuming false testimony. We have internalized the Word of God from a twisted perspective of self. We think it’s all about us, instead of Him. We have become fattened cows taking advantage of the choices we have. Instead of being humble servants who disciple men, we flaunt “God is good” in people’s face and leave them alone to figure it out. How many say, “God is Good” only when it's going their way? And we only seem to pray when something goes wrong. In fact just the other day, someone saw on Facebook that I was praying over a region, and she said, "What is wrong?" I said, "Nothing. I just sense the Lord leading me to pray over this location." Our hearts are deceived if we believe that we will All go to Heaven when we don’t know God. And we don’t know God, unless we pursue a personal relationship with Him. So we must all stop, and repent for these are the Days of Amos, and God’s judgment is coming. You don’t have to believe anything that I say, but I am still going to say it anyway. The Lord is wringing out his remnant for one drop of his blood covers a multitude of sin. His message has not changed - Not once since the day I first received it on May 24, 2019 while desperately crying in the shower. In fact, the wringing is becoming even more pressing, and I can see the remnant shrinking from ten to one. I interrupt the Good News shared in the Book of Luke to remind you that Judgment Day is coming. You can accept my grace and say that you are blessed, but the truth is if you don’t know who I am then you are nothing to me, but a false witness. Your testimony will not stand, in the courtroom of Heaven, because you are nothing but a wolf in sheep’s clothing. If you think you can have my grace, without understanding my mercy, then you really do not know who I am. How can you possibly be a servant to me, when it’s all about you, and not about Me? I have taken this prideful woman and I have been wringing her out. She is a now a humble servant who knows who her master is. And I have anointed her to stand in my wall and shout out, “ Rest and Repent.” “Judgement is coming!” Rest and Repentance is coming to a close, get ready for the horses hooves. A stampede is coming your way, and they will trample anyone who stands in their way. The Days of Amos are upon you. Go now, and read the words of the the man who lived among you. He was just a man, a quiet shepherd who carried my voice, just like this woman does. You can choose not to believe her, and you can choose to condemn her, But that will NOT change what I have commanded her to say. These are the Days of Amos! Now Go and read them for yourself. And get ready, because MY WORD is coming! Do not run Do not hide It’s time to take response-ability. You can hide behind excuses and blame, but it will not do you any good because I have X-Ray vision. Your shame reaction to a sinful choice will not hold up in court. You can drape reasons over yourself, but these metaphorical fig leaves will not work. I have X-ray vision and I can see right through them. And you can point your finger at another man, but that response will not stand. I will ask YOU what you how you responded, despite other peoples' actions. Think about this: Has your anger driven you to sin? Has your envy created back-biting gossip? Has your jealousy caused covetousness? Has your resentment caused slanderous talk? Has your pride caused you to blame, instead of moving on and forgiving them? Has your guilt led you to lie? Has your shame caused you to hide behind even more foolish actions? Has your greed filled your heart with lust? Do you struggle with “I need more of this!” Has a murderous thought come into your heart? Have you developed roots of bitterness? Has rejection set you apart? Have you withdrawn and given up on people, or yourself? Has your depression caused you to give up hope, despite knowing that I am good? Has control taken over you? Have you held onto anxiety instead of keeping My peace? Do you feel any of this? What is your response- ability? And this is just one list of human-centered feelings, get ready to hear the list of human-centered thoughts! “I can’t. I am dumb.” “I hate them because they don’t love.” “Nothing ever works out for me.” “God must not hear me.” “There’s no point in even trying.” “Everybody has it better than me.” “This will last for eternity.” “I have no choice but to give up on me.” These are ALL thoughts of pride, although internalized. This is where human thoughts go, when humans are placed at the center of their world. Humanism is an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to the human rather than a divine entity known as God. Humans are put at the center of their world, and they become the main character of their show. They believe in their own potential, instead of relying solely on God; and they seek secular ways to solve human problems. But the Bible says, The human heart is easily deceived, and the human mind is subject to sinful intent. This is because the spirit is dead, and without God, humans live according to the soul and the flesh. But when we accept Jesus, the Lord gives us His blessing back. And when the Holy Spirit lives in us, we are no longer slaves to sin. Jesus is the WORD of God - and He is the one who blesses and curses. "I lay before you life and death, choose life so that you and your descendants may live." The day is coming when you will have to take the stand - you must decide if you will stand on the WORD of God. This is why you must forgive, and this is why you must choose love. This is why you must repent, and this is why you must come back. This is why you must listen to Him, because the Holy Spirit will give you strength. He will develop a God-centered conscience to help you overcome your human-centered-ness. He is the Spirit of Truth, and has declared, “Whosoever believes in Me shall have eternal life.” His blood covers a multitude of sin, that is why He is wringing out His remnant. Holy Spirit leads you through the Valley of the Shadow of Death where Satan attacks you. His rod and His staff will comfort you - and you will fear no evil. He has prepared a table for you, in the presence of your enemies, and He has anointed you with His oil, the Spirit of Truth. His goodness and mercy shall follow you, all the days of your life, and you will dwell in the house of the Lord, forever and ever more. There is no human who can hide away from the response-ability He has placed upon them. Everyone is accountable to Him. Everyone will stand in His courtroom. Everyone will face this righteous judge, and everyone will receive a final judgment. God has set an appointed time for every person to appear in the Heavenly court. The day of judgment is coming soon, so decide for yourself what you will choose. Will you overcome the world by the blood of the lamb? Or will you spew up a false testimony? Whose banner will you raise? Does it say “Jesus is King” or “I am a the king of my own humanity?” Every heart is marked with a permanent certificate of birth. And when He takes the census He will be looking for those names who are written into the Book of Life. I hear the Lord say, "My judgement is coming soon." "I endured a terrible baptism for you." "Now what will you do?" "Will you pledge your allegiance to Me?" "Do you believe that I came to redeem you?" "Do you understand how much I love you?" "Do you realize that you were cursed, until I reversed it back into the blessing?" "It is by my mercy and grace, that I have saved you from eternal death." "Now everything comes down to your response-ability!" I hear the Lord say, "My Children, pay attention and listen to Me. Bow your heads in reverence to Me. Seek My face with every choice; die to self and lay your life down. Judgment Day is coming soon, and you accuser has been invited as well. Do not worry about anything because I am the lamb who has overcome him. Death passes over my blood located on the doorposts of the human heart, at least for the ones who eat the whole lamb and swallow all of it’s parts. My blood covers Him, as he walks faithfully, even in doubt. And my cloud and fire comes day and night, to guide him into the promised land. The Land of Milk and Honey is waiting for them, as the run the race on the Highway to Heaven." So I ask - Are you a true witness for Jesus? Do you believe He is the Son of God? Remember, He has X-ray vision, and He can see the intent of your heart. So be honest with yourself, determine if you have exposed every hidden thing? There is no condemnation for anyone who comes freely, there is only a transformation of the enduring heart. Do not hold anything back. Do not blasphemy the Holy Spirit. Do you want more of Him, or do you want more of yourself? You will need to lay everything down, including your human-centered thoughts and feelings. Are you ready to unveil yourself? Are you ready for God to search you? Are you ready to be transformed, by the renewing of your mind? Every human has a response-ability. Everyone will be judged justly for the choice they make. What will you do? The parables found
in Luke 18 are great metaphors for Hebrews 12. My heart jumped when I heard Jesus start talk about the widow who had persistent faith. Justice was served not because of her, but because of the Holy Spirit, who lived inside of her, would not give up! Then there’s the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. In my opinion, this is the beginning of the faith journey that represents the image of the mustard seed. It's speaks about a religious man who is spiritually dead, and compares him to a sinner who falls on his face, overwhelmed by the disgrace of acknowledging who he actually is. He becomes spiritually aware, that he is just a man - who lives inside a world of sin. And he understands that only following Jesus can save him. He takes an honest reflection of who he is - and sees that he is simply a man collecting a fee for a worldly kingdom, knowing full well the money will not be used to take care of the citizens. Instead it will fill the pockets of rich men, who use power and control to rule over them. I believe that the tax collectors who followed Jesus had to be the greatest servants. They had an awareness of the price that Jesus’s sacrifice was worth. They represent the children of God - the ones who fall on their face, fully submitted to Him. They do not dare to exalt themselves; and they know full well that their faith far outweighs their doubt. And after learning about the Tax Collector, Jesus tells them “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” Luke 18:16-17 Did you notice, that Jesus said “LIKE these children?” We must be able to read between the lines to fully understand that He is not only talking about the young, but instead He is declaring that those who desire to come to Him, should never be stopped. Then there’s the rich man who declares, “Jesus I want to follow you. Tell me, what should I do to inherit eternal life?” First let me just say that the key word here is “should!” "Should" implies no heart change. "Must" would be the proper word spoken by a person who has actually chosen to follow God. And instead of answering the rich man's question, Jesus asks him if he has followed the Law of Moses. And as you can assume, the man replies, “I’ve obeyed all these commandments since I was young.” When Jesus heard this, He said, “There is still one thing you haven’t done. Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come and follow me.” "But when the man heard this he became very sad, for he was very rich." When Jesus saw this, He said, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God! In fact, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!” And those who heard this said, “Then who in the world can be saved?” He replied, “What is impossible for people is possible with God.” And this, my friend, is the moral of the story! A mustard seed of faith is all that it takes to begin the journey of Holy Spirit intervention - a process known as sanctification. Jesus came with the end in mind. He is not like us, who takes Heaven for granted. He knows that every human will experience eternal life, or eternal death depending on whether they choose the blessing or the curse. His desire is that no one should perish, not even one. That is why He came with a plan and a three-fold purpose First, He came to be our final sacrifice because He knew that we could never be perfect. His blood was shed for all humans, on the table of God; where anyone who chooses to eat of Him can. His flesh is the bread of life, and his blood is the wine that washes away sin. Second, His blood purifies us, and this permits Holy Spirit to live inside us. The Seed of Abraham is miraculous! It reverses the curse declared against the Seed of Adam. Holy Spirit brings dead bones back to life, and He guides us back to the Tree of Life. He is in charge of sanctification, and He prepares our hearts and our minds to face the Judge. Third, humanity will continue to live in the world, until the appointed time; and we must be prepared to leave at any time. We must always have oil in our lamp, because when the time comes there will be no time to ask. This is the race that has been set before us, and though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we shall fear no evil for the Lord, our God, is with us. Hebrews 12:1-3 says “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” That's it folks! That's the moral to the story. We must begin with the end in mind, in order to finish the race that leads to the Kingdom of Heaven. The journey of sanctification leads to the Just Judge and the King of Righteousness who has required a persistent faith, humility and kindness. If you are not prepared, you will fall with the shifting of the sands, and the exhaustion of the world will overtake you and make up give up. You must look ahead to see the "FINISH" sign, and believe that Jesus is holding it up. And you must submit to the fire that is deep inside, Holy Spirit is the One who does not give up. In your own power, it is not possible, But with God, all things are possible. Luke 18 ends with the Parable of the Blind Beggar, right after Jesus predicts His own death. It's about a poor man who is also blind, who is spiritually hungry and wants to have sight. The man discerns Jesus coming close to Him, and He shouts, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” When Jesus heard him, He stopped and ordered that the man be brought to him. As the man came near, Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” “Lord,” he said, “I want to see!” And Jesus said, “All right, receive your sight! Your faith has healed you. Instantly the man could see, and he followed Jesus, and praised God for giving sight to him." And the interesting this is that "all who saw it praised God, too.” In that moment they could see what only God could do. It's amazing to me, this journey we call Faith. Matthew 18 holds the perfect Parables for my life verse, which is Hebrews 12. Faith it is a choice, and it is a gift. If you draw in close, God will give you it. And when you ask for seconds, He will give you even more of it. Taste, and see that I am good. Milk and Honey goes down so easily. Luke 18 is a great story about persisting through adversity! But it’s not about us moving in our own strength; it’s about us enduring the race that has been set out for us - through persistent faith, justness and love. Here’s what Luke says in 18:1, “One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show them that they should always pray and never give up.” He said, “There was a judge in a certain city, who neither feared God nor cared about people. A widow of that city came to him repeatedly, saying, 'Give me justice in this dispute with my enemy.' The judge ignored her, for a while, but finally he said to himself, 'I don’t fear God or care about people, but this woman is driving me crazy.' 'I’m going to see that she gets justice, because she is wearing me out with her constant requests!’ Then the Lord said, “Learn a lesson from this unjust judge - even he rendered a just decision in the end. So don’t you think God will surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will grant justice to them quickly! But when the Son of Man returns, how many will he find on the earth who have faith?” Luke 18:1-8 I love this story because it’s simple and true. If you seek to find Jesus, then He will show himself to you. The judge represents a man who is filled with evil intent. He has the desire to condemn because he does not fear God, nor does he care about men. The woman represents the Holy Spirit, living in us, who does not give up when pursing righteous in love. By human standards she would have given up, but Holy Spirit gifted her with a faith so strong. And because her heart was filled with love, she kept coming back, even when it looked like the door was closed shut! I'm sure she knew that he didn’t care, but his insolence made her even more aware - persistence would be the only way that he would ever declare justice for her. She was probably desperate for an answered prayer, so she pressed in even harder, even though doubts were there. And in the end, it was humility that gave her the ability to keep coming back. Most humans would have given up, when a hardened judge says "No, I'm not!" Most humans would build up their own stubbornness when nothing would seem to move an immovable judge. This is how corruption breeds injustice, and this is how injustice breeds discontentment. We must be willing to keep coming to the Lord, so that Holy Spirit can work in us - injustice should create a heart of love rather than developing roots of bitterness. We must stop looking to men, who are really just sinners driven by evil intent, and expecting them to change when they are walking blindly in prideful-ness; instead we must persist in love and forgiveness, and wait on God to show mercy to us. The characteristic of persistent faith is found in the woman who endured in confident hope. Not only in hope but in action, consistently going to the Judge, even if it meant she annoyed him. She didn’t care what he would think, because she was driven by the need to be redeemed. Her desire was stronger than his corruption, which is why he finally decided to give in. Can’t You See? God is good? If you pursue His Love, then there is nothing that the enemy can take from you! Not a hard heart, or an evil judge, not an evil man or a bitter woman. No one can get in the way of God's love! No one can take away what He has called Just. Children of God, keep knocking at Gods door. Hold onto your faith - the King of Righteousness has paid the price for you. Don’t put your eggs in the basket of a man, whose heart is filled with evil intent and corruption. And be careful not to corrupt yourself, by losing hope and growing roots of resentment. Be careful not to fall into depression - by giving up hope and quitting on Him. Keep your eyes focused on Jesus, He is the one who writes your name in the Book of Life. He is the Just King who shed His blood for you. He is the Suffering Servant who died for you. His blood covers all of your sin, and His fist is the gavel that says, "Not Guilty" "I have freed this man from His sin." "I have redeemed this woman for myself." May we all hear the message in this. May we all chase after Jesus, the King who is Righteous and Just. "May we all do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God." Micah 6:8 I was ready to move on to Luke 18,
but then I was led to write a Part 3 to Luke 17 about the Kingdom of God. People need to know the signs of the times; people need to be ready for the coming of the Lord. “The coming of the Kingdom of God can’t be detected by visible signs;” but when it comes everyone will know it. It will will be different than when the Jesus first came. When He came the first time, He stood with his disciples and still they didn’t recognize Him. They continued to ask when the Kingdom of God would come. Jesus responded, “You won’t be able to say, ‘Here it is!’ or ‘It’s over there!’ For the Kingdom of God is already among you.” Then he said to his disciples, “The time is coming when you will LONG to see the day when the Son of Man returns, but you won’t see it.” “People will tell you, ‘Look, there is the Son of Man,’ or ‘Here he is,’ but don’t go out and follow them.” I believe He said this because it would be false testimony for a single man to say they saw Him, when they clearly did not. “For as the lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other, so it will be on the day when the Son of Man comes.” It’s hard to believe the King of Heaven came down, and walked around - for thirty-three years, and no one recognized Him - not even the men who gave up their lives to follow Him. But Jesus told them, when He comes again, everyone will see - The sky will light up! Every eye of humanity will see the coming of the Heaven's King. “But first,” He said, “I must suffer a terrible baptism and be rejected by this generation.” It makes me sick to think He was only slightly accepted by man, before His own people killed Him. I mean, when He was born, shepherds and Wise Men recognized Him as the baby king, before walking away and leaving him. Then the mobs... the people that followed Him, the ones who were healed from sickness and disease, and the ones who had demons cast out from them, they all recognized Him as a healer and a prophet, but they did not know Him as the King of Heaven. It’s so crazy to me, that Isaiah’s prophecy about the suffering servant found in Chapter 53 actually walked with them, and they didn’t have the spiritual eyes to even recognize Him. I suppose this is what He meant in Luke 12, verse 10 when He said, “And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him.” Men clearly have dim eyes, at least in the spirit realm. And Jesus knows it - since we only use our physical eyes to see, then maybe that's why we are forgiven for blasphemy against Jesus? But when Holy Spirit lights up our human spirit up, through the anointing of spiritual oil - maybe it's when His fire is burning inside of us - maybe that when we have actually have spiritual vision - Maybe that is why we are accountable for resisting the Holy Spirit - this is a sin choice that cannot be forgiven. When Jesus returns, “it will be like it was in Noah’s day. In those days, the people enjoyed banquets and parties and weddings right up to the time Noah entered his boat and the flood came and destroyed all of them.” “And the world will be as it was in the days of Lot. People went about their daily business - eating and drinking, buying and selling, farming and building until the morning when Lot left Sodom. Then fire and burning sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all.” “It will be ‘business as usual’ right up to the day when the Son of Man is revealed. On that day a person out on the deck of a rooftop must not go down into the house to pack.” “And a person out in the field must not return home. Remember what happened to Lot’s wife” (when she was told not to look back, she did anyway - and became a pillar of salt). “If you cling to your life, you will lose it, and if you let your life go, you will save it.” What do you think is meant by this? My guess is that we must die to self, and hold onto Jesus! On the night that Jesus returns, not as a lamb but as a lion, “two people will be asleep in one bed; one will be taken, the other left.” “Two women will be grinding flour together at the mill; one will be taken, and the other left.” I’m still a little confused, because the road is narrow, and Heaven’s Gate is too. But the scripture above implies that half will be saved, while the other half experiences eternal death? God, help me to understand more about this. I assumed it would be less than that. I imagined it would be one in ten. It seems I have a lot of learning to do, about salvation and the Kingdom of Heaven too. “Where will this happen, Lord?” the disciples asked. Jesus replied, “Just as the gathering of vultures shows there is a carcass nearby, so these signs indicate that the end is near.”” Oh My God! I don’t know about you, but this is the image of what our world has become! A carcass represents death, and the vultures represent evilness. I have been hearing, “Cannibalism” for some time, and I have been seeing men eating men! 666 The number of the beast. Is it possible this represents pure evil living inside of humanity? I tell you, I believe the day of the Lord is coming soon! Humans killing humans while laughing? What the hell is wrong with us? Humans selling humans and making money from them! Adults raping children, and children being abused and neglected! Everyone raping Everyone- Driven by power, greed and lust! What has become of us! Splitting hairs to build a case, splitting minds and splitting thoughts! Excuses! Unforgivable sins! Focusing on hate instead of love! Looting in the streets, prostitution in the marketplace. Adultery and divorce is common place! Children without hope, where suicide is the second leading cause of death! Men becoming women and women becoming men, all because of identity confusion! Black and white hating each other, just because we are different colors. Focusing on differences instead of Intentional hearts. Politics - Human governments, and worldly kingdoms instead of bowing down to the King of Heaven. Erasing God from the constitution, opening gates to spiritual adultery. And I’m not just talking about America! I’m talking about “In God We Trust!” Lusts! And more lust! Greed! And more greed! We have become a fattened humanity! Filled with evil intent, yet desperately malnourished and spiritually hungry! This is what drives men to eat of the flesh! This IS the sign of the times! Vultures are no longer circling men. They have landed upon the dead carcasses! We must pray for hearts to repent! We must pray for men to return to God! We must pray for healing within, because all I see is a spiritual infection. Help us Lord! Help us remember YOU! Have you heard the story
about the ten men with leprosy, and how they cried out to Jesus begging Him to heal them? He told them to go, and show themselves to the priests, and as they went, they were cleansed from their leprosy. But only one man recognized Jesus, as the source. Only one man returned to the Lord. The man shouted, “Praise God!” as he fell to the ground, to thank Jesus for what he had done. And guess what? This man was a Samaritan - not someone who you would think would come back to Him. Jesus said, “Has no one returned to give glory to God, except this foreigner?” I imagine even Jesus stood in disbelief. How is that His kinsmen would so easily believe that their healing came from a human being, and not Christ the King. Jesus said to the man, “Stand up and go. Your faith has healed you.” And for a moment, I wondered what He meant? Wasn’t the man already healed from his skin condition? And for a moment, I wondered what happened to the other men. Did their healing stand, since they did not come back? But that’s when Holy Spirit opened my eyes to see, what happened to ALL the men who had leprosy. Since God’s Word is always correct, the nine other men must have remained healed, even though they did not come back. But only one man of the ten, knew where his healing came from; and only one man of the ten, returned to the source from which it all began. This man had faith enough to see, that Jesus is the source of everything. My guess is that the healing that Jesus spoke of, was not only a physical manifestation, but a spiritual one. The truth behind this mystery is that faith comes from what the physical eyes cannot see. The nine other men must have believed that the priests had something to do with their healing, if they did not come back to Him. Or even worse, they took Jesus for granted and moved on with their lives. But not this man! His faith was strong. He knew exactly where his healing came from. “The Kingdom of God can’t be detected by visible signs. You won’t be able to say, “Here it is!’ or ‘It’s over there!’ For the Kingdom of God is already among you.” From the mouth of Jesus, Luke 17 May the healers go, as Jesus did May the disciples follow, as Peter did. May the apostles serve, as Paul did. May the prophets prophesy in truth and love, just as John did. May the humble pray, for even more humility. May the Church resemble the body, and follow the Head, Jesus Christ. I recently reacted to a Facebook post
that said, “Jesus didn’t say to follow Christians." Jesus said, “Follow me.” I said, “Imagine what would happen if we got back to the basics! No hype! No gimmicks! No prideful intent! Just Jesus!" So it didn't surprise me when I read in Luke 17:1, ”There will always be temptations to sin,” but more importantly “what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting!” My God! This is so humbling. If that is not enough discipline to shake pride out of the bride, then I don’t know what will! Jesus said, “It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a millstone hung around your neck than to cause one of these little ones to fall into sin. So watch yourselves! If another believer sins, rebuke that person; then if there is repentance, forgive. Even if that person wrongs you seven times a day and each time turns again and asks forgiveness, you must forgive.” Luke 17:2-4 We don’t teach this concept of accountability, in modern-day Christianity. Instead we gossip and become back-biting. We make excuses and rationalize why it’s not even worth our time to untwist the truth that came from a lie. And it’s usually because we’d rather run and hide than have to rebuke another man, especially when we are all prone to sin. What if we say something that hurts our relationship? What if our approach is met with resistance? What if we go in love, only to receive an angry shove? Who am I to rebuke? Who am I to judge? Since I am a sinner, just like them! Then there’s the command to forgive. This feels like another trick! Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. And now Jesus is telling me I have to forgive, if they continue to say they are sorry? Do you know how many times, He commands us to swallow our pride? In Matthew 18:22, Jesus tells us seventy times seven times! How do we do this? How do we forgive a man 490 times, when he continues to make the same mistake over and over again? How do we shed our Christian masks, and actually become more like Jesus? The answer is obvious. Instead of being leaders, we become more like servants. Jesus said, “When a servant comes in from plowing or taking care of sheep, does his master say, ‘Come in and eat with me’? No, he says, ‘Prepare my meal, put on your apron, and serve me while I eat. Then you can eat later.’ And does the master thank the servant for doing what he was told to do? Of course not. In the same way, when you obey me you should say, ‘We are unworthy servants who have simply done our duty.’” Luke 17:7-10 Modern-day Christians have shifted from the religious, to no regard for God's holiness. “Hallowed be thy name” is replaced with “You come when I call on your name.” “Blessed be your name,” has become “Look at me and see, how blessed I am.” Oh God help us! Continue to cut down our Trees of Pride. Teach us to be servants first. Teach us to pursue the correct ministry. Teach us to be fishers of men, by casting out nets like Jesus did. Help us to remember the true ministry, the ministry of the reconciliation of men. Help us to remember we are unworthy servants who are simply obeying and doing our duty. Imagine what would happen if we got back to the basics! No hype! No gimmicks! No prideful intent! Just Jesus! Imagine what would happen then. Perhaps we would be less like leaders, and more like servants. Why does humanity
feel the need to put a label on every single thing? Perhaps it’s because there’s been a blending of original intent and original sin? There is something to be said about the act of creation and the naming of it. It all starts with a thought, and ends with an emotion; through the intent of the heart, and the evaluation of it. Let me explain. Humanity was created with the intent to glorify God. And in Genesis 2, and in Genesis 1, God evaluated us and said that we were good; and Genesis 1:26 describes our image as the likeness of God. God said, “Let us make humans in our image, after our likeness” - This surely implies that God himself is made up of more than one. And by being in His Word, we actually learn that God is three persons in One - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So it doesn’t surprise me that the Word says, we, too, are three in one- Body, Soul and Spirit. This can be found in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 when Paul says, “Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” And let’s not forget Hebrews 4:12, where the writer declares, “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Man, those words alone should speak loudly to us, it is obvious the author learned them from God’s Holy Spirit. Scripture also shows us that man alone was not good. So God created woman, from Adam’s rib, to be a helper to Him. And when Adam woke up the Lord brought the woman to him, and this is what he said, “At last!” “This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh! She will be called “woman,” because she was taken from ‘man.’” This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.” Genesis 2:22-24 For this reason, the Lord created two sexes, “In the image of God, God created them, male and female," perfectly fit. But it’s noteworthy to see, that before God made woman, He displayed all of the animals to Adam to see what He would call them, and He saw that not one of them was a good fit for him. That is when He caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep and took his rib from him. Can’t you see, God’s original intent was to bless us, and embedded in the blessing was our purpose. He said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.” God did all of this! He created us, defined us and blessed us! And when He was done making all this, He gave Adam one piece of advice, that would save us from death! "But the Lord God warned him, You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden- except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die.”” Genesis 2:15-17 God looked over all he had made, and He saw that it was very good! And evening passed and morning came, marking the sixth day.” And the 7th Day was dedicated to rest. God did all of this! He thought it. He spoke it. He named it. He evaluated it. He corrected it. He blessed it. He warned it. And He rested in it. He did all of this, and still the humans decided to not trust Him. After they ate from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, then God had no choice but to remove them from His presence - because how can evil exist inside of pure love? Humanity had ingested the fruit of knowledge, the fruit of good and evil. And God knew they did this without Adam and Eve even speaking a word. Everything was known through their actions, which happened because of their shame reaction. Adam and Eve had been naked the whole time that they had walked with God. But when evil entered their minds shame became the emotion attached to their physical condition. It is so important to pay attention to this, because humanity puts a label on everything. And if we aren’t careful our knowledge will defy us, because not everything we think is true. In Genesis 3, we see how humans took the bait and fell into the trap of Satanic deceit. I encourage you to go and read this, if you have not already. “You won’t die!” the serpent replied. “God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.” "The woman was convinced, the serpent was telling the truth. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too. At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness.” Genesis 3:4-7 Don't you see, how Eve fell into deceit? She exchanged the truth for a lie, that Satan fed her. Shame is not always a bad thing. Shame often helps us to see that we have disobeyed God by not trusting Him. And guilt too, it can also be good, when it stops you from doing something you shouldn’t. These are the emotions attached to the condition of sin, but the problem is... humanity has re-defined them. It's another twisting of the truth of God! We sometimes believe that people have the ability to drive us to shame, but the truth is God accepts us ALL of the time, when we turn to Him. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to cover our sin with His blood. He is the river of living water, that washes away all of our sin; And when we rest in Him, His Spirit guides us to draw in closer to our Father, and through correction, He brings our thoughts, feelings and behaviors back into alignment with Him. We need to remember that labels are our way of having dominion and making sense of things. It’s not the label that is bad, it’s the intent of the heart behind it. So I ask you this, What is the intent of your heart behind the thought and feeling that you have? Is it meant for bad, from an evil intent; or is meant for good, from a heart of love? Remember, God is good. If you feel shame, then it's time to expose yourself to Him. He created you. He made you. He died for you. He knows you are not perfect. Nobody is. His sole desire is for you to abide in Him. Do not let a shame reaction, keep you away from Him. Do not run and hide from Him. Instead, draw closer to Him. He will teach you who you really are, not according to your flesh, and not according to your sin intent. Listen and believe, that He loves you just as you are. Do not change from the outside in. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Instead of running away from shame, draw in closer and renew your mind. Instead of holding onto guilt, give it to Jesus and let His blood cover it. Freedom comes when you walk away from slavery. Freedom comes when you let go of your anxiety. Freedom comes when you trust God. Freedom comes when you believe who He says you are. I started Luke 16 with Marinating.
I opened my Bible App at 5 o’clock in the morning and spent some time praying to Him. And this is what I heard, “Upon a man’s last breath is when finality sets in. What he decides is up to him. I spoke the curse over the earth, but I provided a life line to save you in time.” Man has a choice to decide for themselves what kind of eternity they want to live in. But know this, when a man takes his last earthly breath that is composed of oxygen, this is when his ticket of his heart is officially stamped. And this is when he will leave the bus station and get on the bus that will take him to his eternal home.” “There is a great chasm that divides the Kingdom of Heaven from the Pit of Hell. When you are in, there is no coming out. You will already have picked the side. So choose wisely now, while there is still time. Even if you have doubt, Jesus invites to come and find. He do not hold anything back from the heart that pursues Me. He says, "I gave you My Son, I came in the flesh so that you could see that I am the Spirit of Truth. There is NO deceit in Me! So stop your imagination, and your beliefs, instead, give them all that confusion and craziness to Me. It only takes a mustard seed of faith, to begin the process of sanctification. If you search for Me, in My Word, then you will find that I have hidden the whole truth in there! Once you accept Jesus as My Son, you will be purified and begin the process of sanctification. Being baptized in water is more for you than for Me, it exposes the heart and shows the world WHO you have decided to serve. This is the first washing of My Word, the purification that sets you apart. But then you must learn to walk, through the wilderness - with the lens of Me. You spiritual eyes will begin to open, and all that you thought was light will be correctly displayed as dark!" Have you ever seen the movie, the Matrix? That is fair replication of what truly exists. You will learn the mysteries that Satan has turned over into tricks. You will see that the Valley of the Shadow of Death is what you live in. The world is cursed, and Satan reigns upon it. He continues to twist the minds of men, by offering them worldly power, money and glory. And since they are spiritually dead, they take the bait every time! But not My Bride. Not the ONE that I love. She has chosen to abide in Me. She is faithful, and she is trustworthy. She has eyes to see the deceit! I have offered her an engagement ring, through the blood of My Son, Jesus. I have stamped her heart “For Heaven” and that is when the seed of Adam dies and the seed of Abraham comes in. I am a faithful God, and I promised long ago, to bless the nations with My offspring. This was also seen through the Virgin Mary, to whom My Spirit entered in. My blessing is Jesus. He is is the WORD who reverses the curse. It’s only His blood that washes away sin, and it’s only His flesh that resurrects the dead.” Can you imagine if Jesus gave in? Go to Matthew & Luke Chapter 4 and read for yourself how he was tempted. What if He doubted who He is? What if He accepted the money and riches offered? What if He fell victim to the miracle of ascension when Satan lifted Him to the tallest building? What if after He received water baptism, He went into the wilderness and became entangled with Satan? What would have happened then? Obviously we would be screwed! There would be no freedom from death. There would be no opportunity for life. Jesus did not speak with his human words, He spoke with the Sword, the inspired Word of God. He cut down every weed, and every tree that was thrown at Him. But this was not the end, He had to endure the terrible baptism for which He came. He had to suffer a bodily death, so His Spirit could defeat death and resurrect and ascend back into Heaven, His Eternal Kingdom. So why would we expect anything else? Why do we think water baptism ensures an end to suffering? In fact, it is just the opposite! Why aren’t the pastors teaching us that? The truth is this is when you become aware of the attack on your life! This is when the real fight begins! You can cower in fear, or you can learn to eat God’s Word! You will need His Sword to cut down the principalities that reign in this world. Satan governs over the dead, And His power comes from ultimatums. He uses intimidation and oppression to make humanity submit to his will. He knows exactly what hurts the human heart. He knows we are subject to our emotions, and our thoughts. Why do you think we suffer from mental health disorders? He spawns his seed, in the lost, lonely and broken-hearted. That is why we MUST reach out to them. Trauma - It leaves a human heart stuck, and feeling like there is no hope. Fear arrests the heart, and death sets in. The mind negates all that is good; and all that is left is the traumatic memory. Satan knows what this means. He knows it leads to thoughts of suicide. He knows that when bitterness roots, humanity feeds on homicidal hate. He sets up traps to make you believe there is no way out! But I’m here to tell you, it’s all a trick! Do not focus on it! Do not think about it! Focus on the Spirit of Truth! God CAN bring you back, if only you would accept Jesus as King. You see, God is Purity! He can not live in you unless you accept HIS blood. Believe! Trust Me! I was you! I was the child who was hurt. I was the girl filled with pride. I was the water baptized who didn’t understand why my life was not changing. I suffered and endured and for twenty years! I walked this wilderness as a carnal Christian. But in one moment of time, I received Holy Spirit baptism. I saw Jesus’s hand and He lifted me out of the pit! Jesus walked me down the boardwalk and He opened the door to God. I saw His light, and I saw the true version of Me. The next thing that I knew, I stood on the boardwalk as a warrior for Him. Dressed for battle and ready to protect, I knew the purpose for which I had been sent. A watchman on the wall, that is my calling. Many have tried to prevent these words from being sent out into the universe, but I am gaining in the knowledge and truth. I am learning to navigate the gift of discernment. I feel the alerts sounded by Holy Spirit and He is revealing His wisdom to me. I am still human, and have much more to learn but I finally am shedding the fear of man, and am fully submitted to the fear of the Lord. So, that is my story. What about you? While you stand at this station, the place we call the world, what ticket will you be asking for? Will you be heading to the Kingdom of Heaven, or will you be heading to the Pit of Hell? No one else can make this decision for you. You must choose. Again, I ask you, which highway do you choose? “But Abraham said to him, ‘Son, remember that during your lifetime you had everything you wanted, and Lazarus had nothing. So now he is here being comforted, and you are in anguish. And besides, there is a great chasm separating us. No one can cross over to you from here, and no one can cross over to us from there.’” Luke 16:25-26 |
April 2022