What do you do when you are afraid?
Do you hide, or do you run away? Do you lift your hands and prepare to fight, through prayer and worship, with all your might? What did David do, when the warriors rushed in? I'll tell you...He lifted his hands and put his trust in Him. Fear is a weapon the enemy uses to keep us paralyzed. It's goal is to keep us afraid and behind closed eyes. False Evidence Appearing Real, The kingdom focus, that is what Satan comes to steal. Be anxious for nothing, that's what your supposed to do, but how do you do what you don't know what to do? By prayer and petition, that's how it's done. and being thankful for Jesus, God's one and only son. We know that God does not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, love and sound mind. So ask, seek and knock and begin to draw near, He will open the door and allow you to hear, The exhale of His breath (aaaahhhhhh...) His peace will inflate the measure of your faith and your mountains of fear will fall. Yes, call on His name and begin to proclaim, that He is the King of Kings and Lord over all!
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Romans 12:1-2 NIV Why is “not following the customs of the world” a true act of worship? Four years ago I humbly approached God’s throne and asked for forgiveness. That act of humility enabled my hard heart to be broken. You see, a hard heart is actually a heart that is insolent, rebellious and self-serving. It’s a heart that believes their own ways are right (self-righteous). It’s a heart that digs in and is resistant to change. It’s a heart that could say “Yes, I believe in God but I also believe that “my” ways are better than His ways and “my” truths are better than his truths. Thankfully, the Lord allowed my heart to break. It was a horrible experience that led to anxiety and depression, but in the end, led to renewed hope and restoration in me, my marriage and my family. Broken-heartedness is what allowed my heart of stone to become a heart of flesh. A heart pliable enough to let go of my ways and let God begin to change my thoughts, feelings and behaviors. At first, it was really hard! Negative thoughts fueled anger, hurt, and shame! Everything inside of me wanted to run away from my problems! I wanted to attack and blame the people who caused me pain. I also wanted to harm myself for making bad choices! But God! I made a conscious choice to believe God’s Word instead of believing my own thoughts. I dove into scripture and wrote encouraging verses on pieces of paper and posted them around my house, in my car and at my office. Every time I had a toxic thought, I replaced it with the Word of God. Over time, my mind and brain began to mold into the person God has originally created me to be. That is when I found myself and that is when I found my true purpose. I believe God has given me the gift of prophecy because He knew I would honor His Word above my own. He knows that I trust him more than I trust myself. We live in a world where people believe they are entitled to have their own truths. We live in a culture that twists God’s Word to fit their own beliefs. We live in a culture that mocks the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. Paul says in Romans 12:3, “For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.” Having the gift of prophecy is a humbling task! I can’t tell you how many times I had to repent for asking God to take it from me! By nature, I have been a prideful people-pleaser my whole life! Today, God commands me to speak his Word out loud and to proclaim the unabated, unchanging Word of God! There is only one God (Romans 3:30) and there is only one way to God (John 3:16, Romans 3:22-26) and that is through his son, Jesus Christ. I keep hearing in my head
the ringing of a tune, It's a demonic lullaby aimed at children who Satan is trying to groom. He slithers into their minds through music with serpentine songs, He enters their souls through traumas that have taken tolls. He targets their desires with arrows aimed at their flesh, He woos them with promises that only bring death. He masquerades as light and deceives them to see, "ALL truths are accepted, it's the truest form of love and humanity." The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so they cannot see the light of the gospel the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 2 Corinthians 4:4 NIV He is the father of all lies, and he speaks with native tongue. He is the prince of darkness, all he wants is our blood. Can you hear him coming? He is lurking in the wind. Can you hear him enticing our children to foster sin? I can hear Lucifer's lullaby it's lucid in my ear. I hear the humming - but the words are not clear. "One Two mmm..mmm..mmm...mmm" "Three Four mmm..mmm..mmm...mmm" "Five Six mmm..mmm..mmm...mmm" "Seven Eight mmm..mmm..mmm...mmm" "Nine Ten mmm..mmm..mmm...mmm" Lucifer's uses his lullaby to put people to sleep, they move to his melody blindly marching to his beat. Lucifer's lullaby yes, it lulls many children to sleep, It's time to stir them with the Sword the Word of God will cause him to retreat! Watchmen and Prophets God is calling you to the wall! Spirit-filled Believers It's time to answer HIS call! Teachers and Preachers Get back into the WORD! Pastors and Shepherds Do your job and herd! Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:10-12 NIV You say "Hello" in the morning,
and sometimes you kiss me good-night. You come to Me when you want something, but the rest of the time your in flight. Every day I sit... waiting for you to see, how much I want to be with you, just you and Me. I think to Myself, "will you ever slow down... just long enough to know, that I am the answer... to your your dog and pony show. Your days are full of "whatevers" and your nights are full of "blah", don't you see the craziness of your notorious "hoo-rahs?" When will you stop building, houses of straw on sand? When will you stop running, to far and distant lands? What are you looking for, when you take your eyes off of Me? There's a God-sized hole in everyone, that I've created for My glory. Yet, you continue to yearn for something that you think I can not fill. I have abundantly more than you can ask and imagine, if you would just be quiet and still. I'm tired of getting you in pieces, It's your whole heart that I need. I'm tired of your "lukewarm", It's hypocritical indeed! You claim that I am your God, Father, Son and Spirit in One. But when I ask you to listen and obey, you act like a prodigal son. You say you know Me, but your lips tell a lie. When is the last time you sat with Me? Where does your soul reside? You mock Me with your notions when you say, "Oh, but I go to church." Are you doing me a favor? Don't you know how much your false pretense hurts? You run around in circles, claiming to do My work, Can you really take My place? You force your will as if it were My own. You usurper of the throne! What is your goodness if it is all done in vain? All is lost in translation, when you're in it for selfish gain. Do you know the day is coming, when your house of cards will fall? There will come a time when you want to be with Me, but will I know you at all? You acknowledge Me in passing, and you promise that tomorrow you will make time. I believe you have good intentions, but it's always the same old line. Don't you know that bonds are made by attachments, they are emotional to the core. Intimacy is made by connection, don't you know I need more? You can take your religion and shove it, it's full of man-made traditions galore! you have traded our relationship for an imposterous whore! Trust is made through covenants, and My promise I have kept. I have vowed to always love you, and for your sin I have wept. Is it too much to ask for your devotion? I want your whole heart and nothing less. I desire your full attention always, not only when your in distress. I call out to you, but you do not hear My voice You have wandered so far away. Isolated and alone, that is not the way for the creation I have made. I beg you "Don't go" Do not walk out that door. Stay with Me and listen, I have so much more. Parables are more than stories. They were made for spiritual ears to hear, I will open your mind to understanding if only would draw near to Me. Wisdom will come through revelation as you seek My face, Your spiritual eyes will open through our divine embrace. Abide in Me, My love and I will abide in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you, My love unless you abide in Me. John 15:4 NIV |
April 2022